
Project maintained by GeNiaaz Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide


GeNiaaz Personal Assistant is a simple desktop application to manage tasks in your everyday life.

It functions in a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to give a fast typer the freedom to manage tasks

quickly and efficiently.

How to read this guide

Commands are written in italics, and the text in the < .. > field is user dependent.

Appropriate user input is preceded by

Incorrect user input is preceded by

Example: delete <task number> represent a delete in front of the task number ( eg 3,4 etc ).

Summary of Task Commands

Action by user Command to input
Add Todo task todo <task title>
Add Deadline task deadline \<task title> /by <YYYY/MM/DD> <hh:mm>
Add Event task event <task title> /at <YYYY/MM/DD> <hh:mm>
Delete task delete <task number>
List all task list
Mark task as Done done <task number>
Find term in tasks find <search term>
Terminate application bye


Add Task: todo deadline event

There are 3 types of tasks to add, which are described below

Add Todo Task

Adds a todo task into the list with the task’s title

User input: todo <task title>

Sample todo task:

#### Add Deadline Task

Adds a Deadline task into the list with the task’s title and deadline date / time

User input: deadline <task title> /by <YYYY/MM/DD> <hh:mm>

Sample deadline task:

#### Add Event Task

Adds a Event task into the list with the task’s title and date / time

User input: event <task title> /at <YYYY/MM/DD> <hh:mm>

Sample event task:

Delete Task: delete

Deletes a task of the specified number

User input: delete <task number>

Sample delete task:

List all Task: list

List all active tasks

User input: list

Sample listing tasks:

It’s simple, just enter “list”

Done Task: done

Marks a task as ‘done’ to signify finishing a task

User input: done <task number>

Sample delete task:

Find in Task: find

Looks for a term / tag across all tasks and returns a list of tasks containing them

User input: find <search term>

Sample delete task:

Tag Tasks: tag

Tag tasks with multiple terms

User input: **tag <task number> #<tag name> **

Sample delete task:

Bye to exit: bye

Exits the application when “bye” is entered, and displays a goodbye message

User input: bye

Sample delete task: